Joining friends to watch Poor Things the other night, I shared an observation (noticed too late) from a not far away neighbour who described me and all those supporting our neighbourhood initiative as “ideologues.” Not being one to favour ideological approaches to much of anything, I felt a certain umbrage, more of frustration than offence.
The comment went to one of those automatically created app inboxes, not directly to me, so I discovered it by chance some five months after it was sent to close a discussion separately underway via email. As usual, noting that this is not the first such communication from this source, just the first so accusatory, there was some humour in the content. I do appreciate a display of wit. I enjoy repartee that quickens my own.
I don’t know why the note was not sent within the initial thread, yet must acknowledge that there are so many means of communications these days that I frequently forget just where a conversation is underway. It seems a great waste of time to search through one app after another to respond to an elusive message. Still, I can’t say it is a good idea to give up and just pick one if it is not the one that holds context necessary for effective communication.
My movie watching friend offered a joking description of me as more of an “idea-o-log.” And in the sense of always thinking and coming up with ideas, that’s certainly true. I am an idea guy.
To the issue.
The neighbour feels that no position can be taken unless every stakeholder is directly approached for comment and a comment is made. Indeed, any view not supported by such a “door-to-door” verification is held to be invalid, citing two street addresses where the views of residents are presumed to be beyond my knowledge, their views not being sought.
It is reasonable to expect any grassroots, volunteer group to create opportunities to engage, share views and comment, pro or con. We do that. I, in particular, volunteer extensively to that end.
Public surveys running for several months took place in 2018 and 2023, each available online and through printed surveys at 3 street events. Brochures have been distributed door-to-door in the area and beyond that most directly affected on two occasions over what is now a multi-year process that has required multiple efforts to garner support from the neighbourhood.
Street signage in several locations have been in place for years. Over the years, the Oaklands Rise Woonerf has been represented at “Sunset Market” information tables 12 times during the pre-planning phase of the Oaklands Neighbourhood Plan. It has been referenced in the community association newsletter several times reaching thousands. The direct mailing list has grown from 21 people to 230 households.
Street events have run the gamut from a survey launch that included four video presentation sessions to celebratory fiddlers with hot chocolate and popcorn shared after City Council’s unanimous vote to let the initiative proceed. A potluck dinner and information session was attended by some 30 neighbours. A 150 person street party marked achievements of grant projects in cluding a xeriscape demonstration garden and public art. Music has been featured in many events, two specifically as trials of an eventual Music on the Woonerf concept.
Partnering with others is an important aspect of spreading the word and building engagement. In this, we joined forces to celebrate the 25th anniversary celebration of the Kings Road Native Garden, located along the Woonerf at Roseberry Avenue. In 2024, offers have been extended to host small group conversations and the first of these saw locals join with three from an interested group in Saanich (along with a Saanich Councillor) to learn from our progress.
Tours of the area have been requested by neighbourhood associations within Victoria and from two neighbouring municipalities. The City has recognized our co-leads among others making a contribution to the City.
All that is by way of saying that it is not easy to live in the topic area and be unaware of the initiative and opportunities to reach out. That is important. If anyone knows of someone feeling that they cannot, the ORW Planning Group and I sincerely want to be available. We do not push our way, however, and ultimately it is a choice to remain silent or join in a conversation.
I do what I can to mitigate the sense that only positive views are sought while also seeking to raise awareness that the typical, North American car-centric model that shapes our general understanding of what is possible is not the only lens to apply. We do not know what we do not know.
Coming together, we can expand considerations and select from a broad set of opportunities that best fits the area.
You strike me as a more aware and mentally active person than most, just avoid getting too caught in language traps and the people who try to use them. Words are merely vehicles for concepts, never forget that. I hope you have a nice day, speaking of language I believe music is the language of the soul. If you like instrumental music, check out Joey Fehrenbach and Ulrich Schnauss. They will ensure you have a good start to your day, trust me ;) (songs from former to latter: Delicate, Underwander, untouchable, behold; then (next guy) suddenly the trees give way, Monday paracetamol, between us and them, knuddelmaus. Just so you know where to start, you should be able to find them on youtube easily for free. ;)